Friday, 21 June 2013

:)! my teacher made it possible for me to take my exam today instead of with everybody else, and I think I passed :D!
If I got any wrong she'd of asked me if I was sure when she checked it and make me check it again to see if I'd just misunderstood something but she read it smiled put it aside and started chatting with me ^o^!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

ehehh ^^; please don't 'correct' my Japanese and try to tell me that suki is ''ski'' ^^; or that otousan is "otusam" ^^; just kinda gets awkward for you when I mention my degree doesn't it, huh. ^^;;;
especially when you just tried to listen/butt into my conversation with my fiance eheh... (not that you understood anything but 'suki' and then later 'otousan'^^v) and then it gets kinda creepy if you tell me that you love me more than love, because you don't even know the meaning of the shit you're pasting from google sites XD

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

^O^ hehe I decided to make a whole new post for thesee hehee
I had SO much fun photographing my girls today with the sweet gifts you sent !!!<33333333


Things haven't been great lately but uh <333!!
I had the sweetest night with Usagi last night!
I met some of his friends too ^O^ and !!! he showed me this house that he chose because our other didn't work out as we liked it to (we thought we'd be able to do everything ourselves but it turned out not.. so we're going a different route :D) and IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Like I'm sure that he only chose it for ME! because it's just SO perfect and everything I love!
There's even a painting/studio area <33 and the gardens so pretty, it's like something from my grandad's paintings *O*!!!!!!!
I told him I'd be happy with whatever he chose because I would go crazy trying to find something, and he picked something that is so perfect <33333!!! and LOL!! I couldn't help spazzing out INFRONT of his friends Ohmygoshhahaha!!! it was kinda embarrassing ^//////^
hehehe and this random guy thought I was his friend's gf O_O and I was like umm noohahaha I'm Usagi's gf and then he came in the room and I saw him right away lol!!!!! and I was like OMG I MISSED YOU!!! and we started rambling in Japanese about how much we love eachother hahaahaa and this random guy was like "Zac.... kawaii?" O_O; so we all went to Ru's instead LOL!!
And we fell asleep listening to rain on my laptop >O<! <3333 hehe
He really has no idea how much I love  him and how perfect he is for me <3 he's everything I ever ever wished for <33 and he doesn't even know <3!!!!!>O<
Honestly the bestt night's sleep I've had in forever and then I got this parcel in the mail with all these ADORABLE gifts that Ama sent me and the dresses I ordered!!!
I'm SOOO happy right now >O<
I'm going to add pictures after I come back from class... it maybe after I get dressed if I have time ^o^ hehehe <3