Friday, 18 October 2013

Long time no post :o

Helloo woorlld ! :)
I've been away for SO long, mainly because I've been extremely busy with a bunch of things ^-^v
But I wanted to make a (sort of) list today of things that I need to get for dolls and blahblah
So that would bee
Commissions.. I need to remember that I'm currently commissioning for my SD girls..
I need to remember to get my mom's presents, Ducky's, Pud's and Matt's..
Money aside for sending gifts abroad especially Nihon..
(I already have all those presents sorted out yaay ^__^ AWwww my kitty is padding on my new top//dress how cute !!)
I have to try to find another one of these tees for Mu ^-^v
I have to stock up on my art supplies, and candles
I need to get an incense bowl.. and white ash
OH ! and I need to stock up on herbs.. dandelion leaves.. since my mom ..once again fed my dandelions to the rabbit T___T;;;
This is the tee that I got today ^-^v no doubt Sebastian will be making a nest of this as soon as I take it off haha XD he's figured out how to get into the closet and drags away all my soft clothes to make a nest with while I'm at college @~@; it's about 7 sizes too big for me but it was the last one, and I had to have it :) I shall be wearing it as a dress LOL !