Saturday, 26 January 2013

One day my light will turn to fairy dust, and float up through the sky to join the stars,
and my body will return as siren tears, melting back into the sea.


Friday, 25 January 2013


Cherry yogurt, a cinnamon bun, a handful of orange slices, grapes, and blue berries, a chocolate muffin, and cherry tea.
Hopefully all the fruit and cinnamon will help me feel bettter :(
my eyes hurt to look any way but forward, it feels like riggamortis :/
and uhh gosh... the people who I will not be allowing to view my personal flickr, think that by removing me as a contact, and readding me(so that it shows on my dash again) will get me to add them :/!! no? I already ignored you once. Starting to feel like they're harassing me also with all this unwanted contact.
I'm staying away from flickr for while I'm sick, I can't gather myself to reply :(  I'm going to try to reply to Amanda<3 and then I'm taking a break ;__;

Thursday, 24 January 2013

venting here so I don't depress anybody lol!

TT^TT I feel so siiiccckk! Kiiii come talk to me later and show me your beautiful face and make me feel betterrrsss nyaaa~~ ;^;!!!
I don't wan eat anymore of thosee cacky oranges D< they're hurting my throat D<<<!!!!!
Just want my bunnyyy ;______;
:D my boys are SOO cleverrr ! wow! I took their house apart so that they'd see the fish we put in their bowl, and once they ate their fish, pudding and loli started working together to try and get the top back onto their house !!! they almost did it hahaha!! but then loli saw me sitting by them and came up to sit on the blue shelf and sat there watching me as if to ask me to do it hahhaha XD so ..yeah I fixed it together for them cause it's complicated little house.. and they're all popcorning around it now XD!!!!!

I know it probably sounds like wishful thinking but honestly!! pudding turned the lid.. while loli held the bed part still.. and he was sitting on it, pulling it with his little arms!! trying to pull it over XD!!! then he got off it.. went behind it and pulled it down!! so clever :D hehe!

Ugghh nooo! I took some cough medicine yesterday, and had a really bad reaction to it O_o they hit under two pages of label that it's not suitable for people with asthma or people who are coughing(what the hecks it for then if not coughing? it's cough serum!O_O;?) and now I'm really ill ;^; again, ugh! but this is like chemically induced asthma D: so I can't go and see my grandpa today :( that sucks. 
Usagi stayed with me until I fell asleep last night <3 I just feel so poorly now :( I know I have messages to reply to but my breathing hurts so much I can't even concentrate D: I read kitty's message 4 times and I still have no idea ~__~;;;;;; 

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

 I just wanted to say that I find most vegan food that's intended to "supplement" meat, kinda gross.
I like vegetables, fruit, and all that other good stuff that doesn't come from an animal, and if you do too.. then you don't even need icky fakey meat! :] a vegan or vegetarian diet isn't about eating fake meat ! a vegan/veg diet is about eating veg!!! and fruit.. and all the delicious things inbetween! Usually fresh, and raw, or concocted into some delicious masterpiece :D

I just found out that my grandpa is in a care home :( he had a nasty fall and now he can't cope on his own, we didn't know because my aunt didn't bother to give us the letter, that was mailed to her with my MOMs! name on! :/
then paypal go all WOOWOO on me and froze my account? what the heccckkk? :(!!

;___; so I'm stresseddd! and I knit the hat I'm knitting. way too tight ;___;! Thank goodness for Panduh and Aysel making me smile from their wholehearted sweetness! and keeping me calm <33

pfff hahaa

S: I don't want to get outtt!
K: You'll catch a cold, silly
S: nooo
K: Yess
K: You're such a Pisces :P
S: HAHAHA! howww..
K: Remember when I had to get you out?
S: muffins ~w~ you briber!
K: XD silly Ko
S: what's my thingy o.o?
K: Get out of the bath and I'll tell you :P
S: mhhhh :/ dun wannaaa~ ;A;
K: >,...,> Ft..
S: OKAY! I'm gettig out!! O_O;
S: ..pervert ;^;
K: lol

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

She's the only person in the world that I actually copy >///////<; (my sister)

Ducky My phones breaking :( my hang up button doesnt work :( mind u it is 4 yrs old maybe older lol i dont want a new 1 i like my :(.... (i love my Samsung B3410) ♥
Like ·  · 46 minutes ago · 

Monday, 21 January 2013

I'm so sicckk :( I just want to sleep and eat icecream, but I have to get ready for my date with Usagi >//////<
Basically he just wants to watch me sleep on skype lol!
Is that weird? I think it's really cute haha ^__^ and a good idea since I have trouble sleeping without him /)//.//(\

He makes me happy


Lolita's bathtime :)

He's just too adorable :) the boys all smelt of poop as pudding has a poorly bottom right now
So I gave them all a bath with some tissue and warm water..
they all had a hot towel waiting for them to dry off in too since rats can catch colds so easily ^__^
Now they all smell like rats again rather than diapers lol!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

A little about

✿ I'm Neko, that's my nickname :) my real name is a secret - as I had to have it changed in a court of law to protect the privacy of myself, my friends and my family.
✿ I'm Scottish, I love cold weather! I like the sun but I just can't stand being too warm, which can happen quite easy for me lol! I adore snow !
✿ I love Japan. My aunt and uncle lived there for a long time, and when they'd come to visit us, they would bring Japanese candies, toys, and also speak to me in Japanese, due to this I was speaking bits of Japanese as early as 4 years old :) it wasn't until I was 13 that I put two and two together and realised, I love Japan! Everything about it, not just things like Takochu or anime.. I love the culture, and the people, I love Japan's history.
My Japanese friends will proudly tell you that I'm more Japanese than even they are :) Everything that sets me apart from the people where I live, makes me fit like a puzzle piece with Japan, and that makes me happy, Nihon is my home, the place I belong to.
✿ I live in England, by the way. My family is a mix of mostly Scottish, but I have Jamaican (blood) relatives, and also from South Africa and Newzeland. I usually just say I'm Scottish ^__^! it's simpler aha!
✿ My favorite colours are dainty rose pink and robin egg blue, together :) I also adore turquoise, lilac, and pastel/lime green ^-^
✿ I love animals, growing up I always paid attention to body language, and small details about all animals and creatures other than human beings, and my best friend since I was 8 months old was a cat! this is how I ended up with half cat body language, as crazy as it may sound.. ^-^ it's probably something you'd only notice in person.. and my friends think it's adorable and always point it out, but it embarrasses me to realise I've been pawing my hair instead of doing it the way a regular person would lol!! that said, I'd never change this about myself.. it's what makes my first best friend still a part of me although he's gone. I'm quite proud of my uniqueness.
✿ I'm an artist.. in every sense of the word.
✿ My aunty is a model, my grandmother quite the famous secret novelist, though I avoid reading her works myself O///////O they're a little too steamy for my liking lol!! and I'm directly related to two wonderful, very famous, old time actors, aswell as to a few famous artists.. my granddad being one of them, though he always kept out of the limelight, and tried to direct it more towards the charities he was secretly helping. He was the most beautiful, caring, giving person I have ever met, and despite all of the incredible people I know, he was by far the most talented. I luckily inherited all of their talents myself, though I rarely use them.
✿ I'm educated in a lot of things. I try not to seem stuck up or spoilt though, and to people where I live, sharing your education or qualifications with others is the definition of those things ^^;
✿ Due to an illness, I was raised as completely vegan.. my mom was vegan at the time too, and once I got older we started to experiment with new foods, such as meat, or things I hadn't been able to eat before.. in the end I decided not to eat meat, I don't like the thought of eating an animal, and I don't like the effects it has on my body (because my body never got used to having meat in it's system) but I wouldn't call myself vegan, simply vegetarian, or bordering vegan.. I don't find this hard, and it confuses me when people say it's so hard being vegan/vegetarian, because it's never been difficult for me lol! I'm vegetarian because I dislike meat, so I don't eat products that are made to resemble meat(for vegetarians) either, it seems just, weird to me lol!
✿ I also come from a family of animal rights campaigners :) I have very strong views about animals, and animal welfare.. but I wouldn't push my views onto somebody else, only educate, if they wanted to be, that is.

I love my Bunny

My boyfriend is texting me right now, he's so perfect!!! he's my happiest happiness !

Snow snow snooow :)

I'm so happy :)! the past 3 days it's snowed non-stop! yayyy so nostalgic :)

I accidentally deleted my old blog! "Whycantthemoonlovethesiren" soo I'm just going to start where I left off on there ;___; I lost so many pictures too ;A;

I can't help but feel uncomfortable and sad when my friends add my stalker. I know that when people do this, I have to cut them out. Regardless of whether they're close to me, and I'm just tired of it :(
I also know that no true friend would even consider adding someone who is trying to destroy my life.. but I just can't understand why. Why do people even fall for it? that person is so desperate in their attempts to turn things around onto me, that they're following me around buying, or lurking things I buy, quite clearly, AFTER I've brought it, and then claiming it's the other way.. how do people even fall for that? when every time they do something, it always, every time, comes down to being about me, in the end. :/
I think it's time I post my corrective statement, but the problem is, I can't really be bothered to ! and that's the difference.. while they're obsessing.. I simply (genuinely) do not want to know ~_~ siiighh
Maybe I should just cut ties with those people :( they're my friends, but it isn't like they're unaware of their madness, and being 'neutral' is not okay in this situation, having mutual friends with them only enables them to be even more crazy at me! it literally puts me in danger :( then again I know that once I cut them loose they'll go running to that person and stirring like everyone else has, and they'll just have more lies to twist about me and claim as truths. I really just don't want to bother with it, I'm busy enough.