✿ I'm Neko, that's my nickname :) my real name is a secret - as I had to have it changed in a court of law to protect the privacy of myself, my friends and my family.
✿ I'm Scottish, I love cold weather! I like the sun but I just can't stand being too warm, which can happen quite easy for me lol! I adore snow !
✿ I love Japan. My aunt and uncle lived there for a long time, and when they'd come to visit us, they would bring Japanese candies, toys, and also speak to me in Japanese, due to this I was speaking bits of Japanese as early as 4 years old :) it wasn't until I was 13 that I put two and two together and realised, I love Japan! Everything about it, not just things like Takochu or anime.. I love the culture, and the people, I love Japan's history.
My Japanese friends will proudly tell you that I'm more Japanese than even they are :) Everything that sets me apart from the people where I live, makes me fit like a puzzle piece with Japan, and that makes me happy, Nihon is my home, the place I belong to.
✿ I live in England, by the way. My family is a mix of mostly Scottish, but I have Jamaican (blood) relatives, and also from South Africa and Newzeland. I usually just say I'm Scottish ^__^! it's simpler aha!
✿ My favorite colours are dainty rose pink and robin egg blue, together :) I also adore turquoise, lilac, and pastel/lime green ^-^
✿ I love animals, growing up I always paid attention to body language, and small details about all animals and creatures other than human beings, and my best friend since I was 8 months old was a cat! this is how I ended up with half cat body language, as crazy as it may sound.. ^-^ it's probably something you'd only notice in person.. and my friends think it's adorable and always point it out, but it embarrasses me to realise I've been pawing my hair instead of doing it the way a regular person would lol!! that said, I'd never change this about myself.. it's what makes my first best friend still a part of me although he's gone. I'm quite proud of my uniqueness.
✿ I'm an artist.. in every sense of the word.
✿ My aunty is a model, my grandmother quite the famous secret novelist, though I avoid reading her works myself O///////O they're a little too steamy for my liking lol!! and I'm directly related to two wonderful, very famous, old time actors, aswell as to a few famous artists.. my granddad being one of them, though he always kept out of the limelight, and tried to direct it more towards the charities he was secretly helping. He was the most beautiful, caring, giving person I have ever met, and despite all of the incredible people I know, he was by far the most talented. I luckily inherited all of their talents myself, though I rarely use them.
✿ I'm educated in a lot of things. I try not to seem stuck up or spoilt though, and to people where I live, sharing your education or qualifications with others is the definition of those things ^^;
✿ Due to an illness, I was raised as completely vegan.. my mom was vegan at the time too, and once I got older we started to experiment with new foods, such as meat, or things I hadn't been able to eat before.. in the end I decided not to eat meat, I don't like the thought of eating an animal, and I don't like the effects it has on my body (because my body never got used to having meat in it's system) but I wouldn't call myself vegan, simply vegetarian, or bordering vegan.. I don't find this hard, and it confuses me when people say it's so hard being vegan/vegetarian, because it's never been difficult for me lol! I'm vegetarian because I dislike meat, so I don't eat products that are made to resemble meat(for vegetarians) either, it seems just, weird to me lol!
✿ I also come from a family of animal rights campaigners :) I have very strong views about animals, and animal welfare.. but I wouldn't push my views onto somebody else, only educate, if they wanted to be, that is.
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