Sunday, 31 March 2013

Water flows through rivers
As it flows through my eyes
They say a Pisces dreamer
Has lived other lives
There's something more there, I can see it clear
Not something you hold in your hand
The end of the circleIt ends with me in eternity
The poet and the dreamer
Creating Pisces flow
There is world that we possess
That all of you can't know
There's something more there, I can see it clear
Not something you hold in your hand
The end of the circleIt ended with me in eternity
Beyond just what you can see lies darkness
My life it changes with everything around me
Sometimes I need to get the hell out of here
If you are a soul in needIf you need compassion
I will stand up like a wall right by your side
I can tell what others can't tell
Yes, I can read your mind
Pisces belongs in another world at another time
Neptune rules my hours
Devoted by your side
The heart of the Pisces soul lives through time
Through time

Saturday, 30 March 2013

My beautiful tarot cards came today, and after a deck totally randomly to show my mom (there's two^^)
and separating it open to show her a random card..
guess which card it was? ^/////^
my favorite! "Strength" this cards absolutely by far the most beautiful <3
and how lucky? that I chose that card !!
the first time I ever chose one of the decks.. the first time I ever opened it.. and it's that card that I picked up :) so special <3 haha! as if confirming for me that yeah.. I did pick the right ones after all <333
I'll add pictures of them later, as I'm currently spring cleaning my bedroom
and laying a new carpet yaay~! 

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Ugh how annoying :/
My hearts really acting up again and I just DON'T want to go to hospital today ~__~; it makes me so miserable and it's my darling nephews birthday today too ! :( I don't want to be on an ECG and 'watch' all day ~__~

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Dear brain..

I miss you, and I don't even know really.
My name is Sophie, and other things.. I don't use my real name online because of all the lies spread about me on the internet by a cyber bully/stalker who's 5 years older than me XD
...but you know right ?
YOU are my best friend, and you are Zak Dace.. I don't think you'll ever find this, but knowing us? you will.. once day ^^ when you're reallly old aha !
I'm still waiting for my best friend to come back, like you promised.
You forget about the only person who ever really knew you.. and I don't know why you do that? but I really don't think it's a good thing.
I'm always here for you. That's what I want; to be here for you. It wasn't ever you who wasn't good enough, we both know that.
You know why I put your name? because I don't want you to deny to your self that this is really to you. And I'm not scared.. even if everyone else in the world turned against me and fell for lies, you're the person who wouldn't. Hell you'd probably punch them in the face for saying those things about me. I'm not scared of that, not when it's you.  Even if they ever found you.. we're connected, and you know me.. you're my brain after all.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Someone's protective ;)

So ! I revealed my secret to Usagi! -- Vanilla is coming 'back' :) .. granted a little differenntt;) but still she's just <3 hihi^////^
I still have her first head ofcourse but I just don't feel that I can paint her the way that I want --yet, and ofcourse.. I shall not be sending her away for a faceup again ◔_◉;
Ahahaha and he started ranting about how Lati should package her extra carefully given how fragile the dolls are (≧ヮ≦) ahahahahaa!! ! He's super protective of her, and I thinkk he's a little excited too ôwô 
I just think he's the cutest :):):) aha~ <3

Friday, 15 March 2013

:) I found some beautiful, artistic, and cute ! tarot cards today ! tomorrow I'm going to buy them ^__^ yaay
Thanks so much for all the $$ everyone gave me for my birthday !! because these are just so perfect for me <3 and I've wanted some tarot cards for such a long time but couldn't find any that felt right ^-^!!
Binny is feeling happy :O:D!!! yay aha ! I don't really know how to deal with my other friend:/ he's seeing things how he wants to see them, from a one minded perspective and anything I say when I'm trying to open his eyes is just being taken as ME being blinded by my feelings :/ rather than it being the other way around :( it really hurts that he's not listening to me, and doesn't trust my judgement on a matter that is close to ME rather than him :/

I feel really weird and dizzy today :/ things keep going dark, and red/patchy like before when I got really really ill :/ I don't know if it's because of stress or if I'm going to have a fit again >__< and it's kind of scaring me :(
Question: why do I want to be around dishonest people?
Answer: I don't.
Question: So what will I do ?
Answer: Distance myself and then leave.
Question: Wont I regret that?
Answer: Not as much as I would regret being betrayed again.

What's my age again?!

Mel Cooper-Hynd
39 minutes ago · 
  • bridge piercing????????? yes or no !!!!!!!!!
    Like ·  · 
    • Davinder Reehal and 2 others like this.
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd for those who dont no what 1 is its the top bit of ur nose between ur eyes!!!!
      38 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd Matthew Craddock are you for or against?
      33 minutes ago · Like
    • Matthew Craddock For
      33 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd lol coolies
      33 minutes ago · Like · 2
    • Mo Hynd no no no no no no no
      32 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd lol 4 agans 1 so far mom lol
      31 minutes ago · Like · 1
    • Mo Hynd im putting my foot down on this one with a size 10 boot on, you don't want to upset mommy do you now(
      29 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd love you millions xxxxxxxxxxx
      29 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd will make you cross eyed
      28 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd n you know what little nanny would say xxxxxxxxx
      27 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd tut no it wont lol ur ok with me getting atatooed that last 4evabut not gettin a surface peircing thats donesnt last long lol
      27 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd little nanny loves me tho  so she would say as long as im happy 
      25 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd still saying no n dont get me started on the tats lol knew i should have given you a phobia of needles when you were little lol
      25 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd no she wouldn't, she would of nagged me about it
      24 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd nmope she wudnt u carnt make me feel bad so  lol
      23 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd mat said it wud suit me lol
      23 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd i can hear little nanny n nanny gwen yipping on about now lol
      23 minutes ago · Like
      22 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd " if GOD WANTED U TOHAVE HOLES IN UR FACE HE WOULD OF PUT THEM THERE WHEN U WERE BORN" but who gave the man the idear of piercing ur face???!!!! lol
      22 minutes ago · Like
      22 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd u no im right lol
      21 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd LOL
      21 minutes ago · Like · 1
    • Sofia Singh It does. It draws your attention to the middle of your face over time. There was a study about things doing that, so it makes sense that this type of piercing would too.. and I don't think it would look right, usually I support you 100% but yeah @__@ and it really does  everyone I've seen who's had one for a while their eyes always look a bit off:/
      20 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd na na na na na lol
      19 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd thay not had it done proper then have they lol
      18 minutes ago · Like
    • Davinder Reehal bridge piercing- dunno what that is so im with your no no xxx
      18 minutes ago · Like · 1
    • Sofia Singh maybe the middle of your bottom lip or the corners of it..
      17 minutes ago · Like
    • Sofia Singh but not the bridge of your nose 
      17 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd mommy will be coming round in morn we will discuss this further,Davinder agrees with mommy
      17 minutes ago · Like · 1
    • Sofia Singh I just think they look trashy on most people, unless you have the right face shape for it.
      17 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd where will you get it done
      15 minutes ago · Like
    • Sofia Singh eww I bet it'll be a yucky septrum next 
      13 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd kevs doawn will do it#
      9 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd  its my eye brow or my bridge
      8 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd Davinder Reehal his grandad s his old like umom lol
      8 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd ill go were i always have my peiercingsa#
      7 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd ok will phone her n tell her i am mother n you are not sound of mind, she is not allowed to pierce you
      6 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd i will tell her you gone funny in the head n dont know wat you are doing n i will get pip to make mongy noises in back ground lol
      4 minutes ago · Like
    • Sofia Singh i think eyebroqw would be better  but don't they close up really easily? im sure matty and jay had some problems ?
      4 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd lol im a 26 yr old mayb 27 i cernt remember lol i dont think she will mind
      4 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
    • Sofia Singh AHAHAHAAHA
      4 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd see i prove my point lol
      4 minutes ago · Like
    • Sofia Singh im blogging this
      4 minutes ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd i think im 27 i sec ill txt Jason Cooper
      2 minutes ago · Like
    • Mo Hynd you are 27 n i would still hold ur hand to cross the road
      about a minute ago · Like
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd wat u mean would ??? u DO lol
      A few seconds ago · Like
    • Sofia Singh LOL
      A few seconds ago · Like · 1
    • Mel Cooper-Hynd goh im older than i thourt lol
      A few seconds ago · Like